28 Oct 2014

"Freelancing": Football yes or no?

To mention first...If you want to read more about my soccer experiences in Latinamerica, please check this . It is my other blog called "20 años Latinamerica personal". Well, I have been watching soccer in  many Latinamerican countries and stadios. You do not forget these experiences for sure...

...But this Graffiti you can find in the Soccer Stadium in Helsinki Finland - the most famous Finnish soccer club called HJK.

But the back to Peru... At the weekend I was in a very interesting bar called "El Estadio"For a bootball (soccer) fan WOW! It is situated in the very center of Lima in "Plaza San Martin". You may guess how many photos I took...

Here in Peru it has been so nice to look at footbal in TV. You see very many matches from Europe and from Latin America. At my opinion it is some times nicer to look European football in TV here as in some European countries. As for example in Finland, some times the matches come so late (we have +2 GT), that I am about to sleep. But here instead, at least at weekends very nice, as you can look at the matches at noon or early afternoon. I could change places with you...

Well, did I succeed to to look at Peruvian football match in live? No way. I wanted to go to the match Alianza Lima-Universitario, "El clásico". I found the place where to buy the ticket in beforhand, but guess what happened? As I was in the queue, the lunch hour came...and they close the whole place for an hour. I was kind of tired, and went to home. Then I looked at the match in TV, but it is of course not the same thing. And couple of days later I took a photo of the national stadium (Estadio Nacional)...

So I have been in football matches in Germany, Spain, Portugal, England, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Japan and so on...But not in Peru. I have also been in the footbal match which were organized on the football field situated highest in the world, I think. Guess where it is? Of course in Bolivia, La Paz. It is situated more or less 4 km high and even more.

Well, football is also played in Finland. I go to games. But the sportswhich is the most popular sport in Finland, is of course the ice hockey. We have won a world championship, we have many medals from the Olympic games. So welcome to Finland to look at Ice Hockey. And maybe you would like to practice skating also youself? For that you have the possibility for example in Helsinki in the Icepark (look at the photos, they change) in the very center of the city. Near our railway station. Where also the famous "Stonemen" are. About them I told you already earlier.

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